Recognize you have control of this, if nothing else — Michael Marcus Jan 10 By JESHOOTScom on Pixabay I rem...
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In order to take flight and become successful, you need to carefully assess your extra baggage.
When it comes to our wealth and success, we tend to fixate on the things we need to acquire
in the future to make those visions come alive. However there are also
certain ingrained habits that might be dragging you down right now.
In order to take flight and become mega-successful,
you need to carefully assess your extra baggage. The good news is that
your toxic routines and mindsets can be kicked to the curb, starting
So take a huge leap towards success and wealth by giving up these 10 things:
1. Doubt
“I always knew I was going to be rich. I don’t think I ever doubted it for a minute.” –Warren Buffett
are unconsciously sabotaging your progress when you indulge in
negativity. Your journey to success starts the moment you condition your
brain to believe this is where you want to go. If you continue to
believe otherwise, then you shouldn’t expect success to follow through.
Rather than being your own worst enemy, get yourself in a good mood through cultivating positive thoughts that will inspire you to continue reaching for your goals.
2. Impulsive emotional decisions
my many years in finance, I’ve seen people throw decades of financial
planning out the window because of their feelings. And it’s easy to do
that in a stressful workplace too.
successful people find themselves in situations where they’re extremely
angry, sad or frustrated, they let themselves ride out those emotions
without acting on them. The simple act of waiting to make a decision
until you’ve returned to a levelheaded state can play a huge role in the
success you achieve.
3. Reliance on praise
must come from within. Outside reinforcement and strokes can help, but
you have to build your own confidence.” –Steve Jobs
one can advocate for you or make it happen like you can. You have to be
your own best cheerleader. You must believe in your own success, and
this means that, if the right opportunity doesn’t present itself, you
should create your own opportunity.
4. Being a control freak
attention spans and willpower are finite. So, if you attempt to
micromanage every single aspect of your life, which plenty of motivated
people do, you’ll end up limiting the attention you can pay to the
important stuff.
isn’t an excuse to do sloppy work, but you must only direct your
efforts towards things you can control. For instance, if you’re leaving
your comfort zone and learning a new skill, accept that there will be
some slip-ups. Being flexible amidst adversities is a virtue you must practice to create difference in your life.
5. People-pleasing
is a jungle out there. Everyone is clamoring to be noticed, to be
ahead, to become game-changers. Hence, people will not baby-talk you all
the way. You have to prove yourself through hard work without expecting
that everyone will believe in and compliment you.
As Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO, once said, “Leaders should strive for authenticity over perfection.”
Quit doing things for the sake of others’ appreciation — do them because they are needed to fulfill your vision.
6. The blame game
“If you mess up, it’s not your parents’ fault, so don’t whine about your mistakes, learn from them.” –Bill Gates
you don’t get it right this time, don’t complain and don’t play the
blame game — it will just take your time in exchange for nothing but
the courage to take responsibility for the results of your work and
decision. It will teach you humility and give you priceless experiences
that you can take with you as you move closer to your goals.
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