Thursday, January 11, 2018


Image Courtesy:authordavidscott.com
Those who teach the most about humanity, aren’t always humans— Donald L. Hicks
Never mind how hard you fall, always remember to pick yourself up and get back on your feet. When a baby giraffe is born, he falls from an altitude but manages to stand in his own feet.
Eagles have excellent vision and concentration. To catch their prey, they focus on it with laser like intensity, and set out to get it. We should also do the same with our goals, by focusing on one task at a time. Many obstacles will come in our way to distract us but we should stay focused on our goal. Give our full effort to it until the task is accomplished.
  • DOG
Source : youtube.com
Dogs are the only animal that is committed and loyal towards their taker. They teach us the loyalty and commitment towards our work also teaches us to Love Unconditionally …
Chameleons are mostly known for their ability to adapt to their surroundings in order to catch their preys. Just like that, we should also be adaptable & flexible to our surroundings in order to achieve our goal.
  • WOLF
Wolves can live in any situation. They can make the most of the available resources. Similarly, we humans should also try to make ourselves comfortable in every circumstances life puts us in.
Donkeys know the value of hard work and they know how to keep calm in tough times. Likewise, we can also deal calmly with our lives when the time is tough.
Sheep’s are the symbol of innocence and purity. But on the other hand, they are also known for making sacrifices. Similar is the case with us, in life we also have to make many sacrifices but that doesn’t mean we have come to an end in life.
Camels know how to survive in toughest conditions. They keep moving until they reach their destinations. We humans should also keep moving until we reach our destination i.e. our goal.
  • COW
Cows are generous, patient, selfless and loving. Cows have a carefree attitude and they give love to others. Just like cows, we all should try to be patient in every circumstances of life and we should live in harmony with others.
  • PIGS
We can learn a very important lesson from pigs. To love yourself…and be proud of it. To accept yourself, to accept what you are and accept the way you are.Simply saying Be Yourself.
  • ANTS
Ants do teamwork. Ants work well together. They do not stop until they accomplish their work.You Can Find More here….
They don’t harm others. Butterflies pass through so many painful stages of their life then also they don’t harm others but simply live their life. Similarly, if we can silently endure our hardships without hurting others then that adds beauty to our hardship and above all makes us a better human being.


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