live by to-do lists, goal programs, and life hacks. These things will
make you feel busy, and productive, and important, but they are
distractions. Live by faith. Live by letting go of your monkey mind and
your inner taskmaster.
by faith doesn’t mean doing nothing. It means focusing on the most
important thing first. It’s about being in the moment, taking it one
step at a time, allowing things to fall into place. And taking action
when you feel lead to.
by faith involves less action, less thinking, and less self-induced
stress. It involves more going with the flow. More trusting that things
will work out, and that you’ll know the right thing to do at the right
time. It’s about acceptance of the fact that not everything is supposed to go your way.
a way, it’s counter-intuitive. Because we have been trained by our
culture to be as busy as possible. And to work as hard as possible. And
to fight for everything. If you have a parent who is not easy to
impress, it’s worse.
can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to take things into my own
hands and failed. And how many times I’ve succeeded by letting things
that God will give you wisdom in the moment. Rather than having
everything planned out and trying to force things to come to fruition.
It works. Whether it makes sense or not, it works.
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