Every Secret You’ll Need To Know To Never Feel Stress Ever Again

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Every Secret You’ll Need To Know To Never Feel Stress Ever Again

Photo by Jad Limcaco on Unsplash
I decided my existence was a journey to “enlightenment” — my version of “enlightenment” anyway.
But what does that mean?
To me it means to be still, watching myself watch.
In the real world where we have to show up and work every day, it becomes living and working with deliberate action — and an observance and ownership of ego.
Every moment that goes past, every day that goes by — moment to moment — doing my best to live a full life.
Watching my thoughts of fear, and owning my emotions — being aware of them as best I can.
This is exceptionally difficult for me. Maybe it’s difficult for all of us. Or maybe I’m just over thinking it.
Enlightenment to me acknowledges meditation as the greatest gift and ability available to man — and my mission is to live in meditation — to be meditative all the time.
Why? Because when you’re that still, it’s as clear and close to control you’ll have to shaping you’re consciousness, thereby shaping what you see in your reality.
Today as I type this, I’m moving the furniture I had in storage, to my relatively new place in NYC. I just moved there a few months ago but I haven’t moved my stuff in.
The parents insisted on helping and I turn it into an opportunity of quality time. Moving with two 70 year olds — as “stressful” a situation as they come.
People in their 70’s who think they know everything — ego driven and impulsive. So hard not to react and I often do of course — or at least did — but I’ve gotten much better at just watching myself watch with compassion.
I’m peaceful toward anything that comes out of their mouth for they know not what they do — and all they’re doing is helping me move. So what if my dad has a strong and “know it all” opinion about how I place the chair in the Uhaul.
This sounds like I’m being spoiled, and as I type here and while you read — I am being spoiled.
But in context — imagine being in a uhaul, carrying a heavy chair all by yourself because you repeatedly tell your dad not to lift it. You lug it up the stairs and out onto the truck during the East Coast winter cold — to be essentially yelled at to place it a certain way because that way is right.
I embrace it for a situation that may not happen again in my life. My dad helping me move at 34 — how much of a gift is that.
In this state, you’ll observe your ego and transcend it — to a state that fears and feels nothing while being able to feel everything you want to feel at the same time.
This is intuition and may sound crazy, but it’s how I live.
I live to observe in stillness, and do everything in the state of the observer.
This is the secret to never getting stressed out — and why I never get stressed.
Not because I’m living like a monk in the real world but because in stillness like this, the observance (watching my ego) of my observer (the ego that reacts and creates your stress) is so loving and calm, my nervous system never get’s touched.
I don’t react to things, I watch them.
Stress generally is the bodily response that results from not watching our ego, but identifying with everything it tells us, and what’s worse, being addicted to the pain it creates — which so many of us are.
It’s this that makes us secrete excessive hormones we don’t want to secrete into our bloodstreams and that we should have less of.
It’s this that shaves years off our lives and is the saddest killer of the sophisticated first world ape of today — us.
If you want to do the same as me, and never feel stress again. Realize these 12 simple but profound truths to live by.

1. The Secret Of Stress

You actually like stress.
Stress only exists as a concept in your mind, it’s a program you can remove from your programming now. Do it.
“Stress doesn’t exist anymore — only how I react to things matters, and that’s something I can always control 100% of the time.”
I highly recommend you decide that statement is true — but you probably won’t because it’s so much fun for the ego to get the benefit of “feeling stressed out”.
You like the pity and ego stroking you get every time you feel stressed out.
You can feel joy, but you won’t because you choose not to be joyful.
Joy is for nerds not cool people.
Joy is hokey.
Remove stress from your programing and embrace the moment to bring joy to yourself and everyone around you — it’s hard but worth the journey.

2. The Secret Of Emotions

People are happier being unhappy.
Emotions are different than feelings. Emotions are instinctual though most often lead to our reactions.
Your state of unhappiness is what you expect — our egos and consciousness have gotten so sophisticated that we’ve become addicted to the emotional state of unhappiness.
Happy is hokey, unhappy is hip.
I would stop and be happy.

3. The Secret Of Feelings

They’re absolutely in your control — like 100%.
My great uncle died about three weeks ago — I didn’t cry because I observed my sad crying ego that would take pity on itself and take every opportunity it could to have a good cry.
Instead I reflected on his life in stillness — and felt for him that he no longer get’s to experience life.
I realized something — people don’t cry to mourn the dying, they cry for themselves, not because the dead are no longer living.

4. The Secret Of Ego

It’s your assistant, not your boss.
Most of you listen and react to everything your ego says or thought it creates. This is dangerous and causes you to create stress.
The stress of fear itself is enough to shave many years off your life.
Remember — you’re the CEO of your assistant that is the ego. Just like a good assistant should, s/he keeps you alive but you listen, take their advice, but make your own decision.
No matter what happens — there’s no reason to stress out. Why? Because it’s happened anyway and all you’ll ever have is the present moment.
The problem is we’ve evolved too fast in only the last couple hundred years yet have been overcoming tigers chasing us for the last several millennium.
Listen to your assistant that is the ego but ultimately decide what to do and dictate to it how you want it to act. It works on your behalf.
Do this enough times and it will dissolve.

If you want help working on your own performance and stress with me as your consultant and coach, hop on my calendar here for a (paid) strategy call.

5. The Secret Of Thoughts

You can have any thought you want, to create any feeling and state of mind you want, anytime.
Thoughts are physical and can be felt — by you and others.
So when you see someone, use thoughts to your advantage. Think something that creates the exact reaction, behavior or thought you want to elicit.
You’ll learn communicate without speaking and will begin talking less.
The best relationships are the one’s where not much needs to be said, but a lot is communicated.
This is how we’ll soon move to telepathy for day to day communication and why it’s being reported that Facebook will eventually become a telepathy company.

6. The Secret Of Fear

It’s your friend if you watch it and your foe if you identify with it.
Fear is signaling that danger is around the corner. Be happy and embrace every time your successful instinct sends you a signal you can listen to — don’t fear it however.
Feel it — don’t resist it — and let it go. Then watch.
Fear is a great tool if channeled correctly. Most people let fear stress them out.
Watch it and listen, instead of identifying with it.
Do that and you won’t let yourself stress.

7. The Secret Of Death

There’s actually no such thing.
Does something exist if we aren’t conscious of it?
We’re (sophisticated) organisms programmed to survive — but it’s consciousness that notices and ascribes meaning to “the end of life” or “dying” which leads to fears of loss (attaching to someone) of identity.
So often when someone dies, our identities attachment to them creates such feelings of loss — what often appears as mourning for the son or father is self-inflicted pain on a personal loss.
But it seems we don’t actually “die” when we lose consciousness. Yes, our heart stops beating and our bodies dissolves— but “die” is a label — an ego created program that’s tied to our emotion s— which we generally ascribe meaning to and therefore feel deep seated fear and all kinds of other imaginations when you think about them.
This is of course natural as we’re wired with emotions to stay alive — but the interpretation of dying as we generally think about it is a fallacy and our sophisticated egos get out of hand imagining all that could have been and a sense of personal loss which is what most people feel for.
This isn’t about the actual person who died rather than the mourner who’s attached and indulging in their feelings to
It’s only until recently that the end of a life was considered a big deal. Yes this is progress — I’m just pointing out the curse in every gift.
This seems natural because our emotions are wired to stay alive to exactly combat death — and the ego fighter in us does everything it can to keep us alive even if it means being extremely selfish (which isn’t good or bad, it just is) when it comes to other people’s dying.
It’s our egos and lack of self awareness that let’s the thought of death get out of hand.
Next time you mourn the end of someone’s physical existence — remember that it’s our self-created attachments, that identifies with losing something (in this case someone) that often causes all the pain and suffering inside of you.
This may be hard to fathom but it you dig deep enough, you’ll perceive death as the most natural thing to not resist whether it’s your own life or the life of others.

8. The Secret Of You

Is that you don’t exist.
What does “who are you?” mean?
It’s a symbol created by consciousness so we can communicate and cooperate.
It was an innovation for our species to cooperate and win, for the same reason we evolved arms to climb and hunt and teeth to chew food to digest food better.
You’re actually just a system of cells with a brain that’s conscious of what it does.
So as much as you think John Smith or Sally Sue thinks you exist as a construct, take comfort that you don’t.
If you embrace this hard truth you can use it to your advantage and design someone you want to be. The gift of using consciousness to design who you want to be with the beliefs you want to have.
The curse is if you believe you’er designed like someone you don’t want to be and worse, look for feedback that proves that.

If you want help working on your own stress and performance with me as your consultant and coach, hop on my calendar here for a (paid) strategy call.

9. The Secret Of Life

Look for the feedback you want to look for and eventually you will see it.
If there’s one life skill that literally creates the life you want, it’s this.
You can choose what you want, and perceive everything to match that perception and it will literally happen for you.
It’s your choice — the only species who is blessed to go beyond survival and reproduction.
Embrace it and see the world the way you want to see it.

10. The Secret To Self Preservation

Knowing survival and living is scientifically meaningless besides the meaning we ascribe to it — and that it all comes to an end.
That sentence saves me more stress than any sentence I’ve ever recounted.
When I feel embarrassed. “Oh well, it doesn’t matter anyway — none of it does.”
When I feel like a loser. “Oh well, it doesn’t matter anyway — none of it does.”
When someone at work or home is pissed at me. “Oh well, it doesn’t matter anyway — none of it does.”
This is not intended to be doom and gloom, it’s intended to embrace the one certainty we all share to live better now while we have time.

11. The Secret Of “Success”

You’re already successful no matter where you are “in life” or what you’re doing.
How do I know this? Because you’re here.
We are born successful, it’s not something we have to earn.
In fact, it’s because we’ve evolved so successfully, we now have ways to unravel success all day and night by over thinking.
Success is our natural instinct — the result of 4 billion years of real evolutionary “success”.
In the real world for most of us, this means setting and achieving goals. The only species capable of picking goals, imagining futures and dwelling on the past is us.
Oh the gift and curse of being blessed with a sophisticated consciousness.

12. The Secret Of Evil

It doesn’t exist.
Even the people who commit vile acts of horror are acting in the belief that they’re doing what’s best for them, their survival and/or humanity.
They’re concept of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ is obviously warped, though this doesn’t mean they aren’t inherently good. They may be deranged, it doesn’t make it untrue.
And this should give you hope to never stress out ever again.

If you want help working on your own stress and performance with me as your consultant and coach, hop on my calendar here for a (paid) strategy call.


If you’re stressed right now reading this, and have always believed that conquering stress may seem daunting — decide that it’s not right now.
Decide that you’re decided — and commit to never allow yourself to get stressed again.
The fact is, nothing is worth shaving years off your life until you’re physically running for your life. You’re human, and have the capacity to control so much.
One thing you control is the meaning you ascribe to your emotions.
Next time you instinctively become emotional, notice how and why you’re feeling that way. Then decide how you “feel” about it.
Decide like the successful person that you are — the person that’s here after 4 billion years of evolution. The person who’s part of the species that invented the internet and put people on the moon.
Act as if.
Act as if you’ll never get stressed again and one day you’ll wake up realizing you never will.


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