Recognize you have control of this, if nothing else — Michael Marcus Jan 10 By JESHOOTScom on Pixabay I rem...
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Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine-Jack Ma
Evolves! Our perception towards life is different in different phases
of our life, be it our childhood days, teen days or as an adult. Every
act we perform today impacts our life in one way or other.
are all now busy in building a better future for ourselves. To get a
better tomorrow means to do something Everyday, do something which will
improve us, make us a better person. Everyone wants to have a better future, but does everyone get it?
are many obstacles which come in the way of building a better tomorrow.
But it depends on you, how hard do you push when you face obstacles?
How many times do you get back afterlife has beaten you down time and
time again?
The quality of your life, quality of your future depends on the effort you put today.
Image Courtesy: Quickmeme
Give up Your Need of Approval from others
Give Up Taking “No” As an Answer
Give Up Distinguishing Between Your Private and Work Life
Give Up Your Reluctance to Ask For Help
Give Up Fixing Your Weaknesses
Give up your excuses
Give up multitasking
Give Up Your Dependency on Willpower
Give Up Waiting for Luck
Give up Other People’s Versions of Success
Stop associating with Toxic People
Believing you’re not up for the challenge
Undervaluing what you have
Competing with other people
Seeking permission from others
Ignoring the vision you have for your future
Waiting to start
Not setting yourself up to win before you start
1. Appreciate the under-appreciated:
jobs require more effort than skill. The difference is in the effort.
All around you are people who work hard with little or no recognition. Vow to be the person who recognizes at least one of them every day.
more than say “thanks” to a person who does a thankless job. Exchange a
kind word. Not only will you give respect, you’ll also gain the best
kind of respect — the respect that comes from making a difference,
however fleeting, in another person’s life.
2. Answer the “unasked” question:
a variety of reasons — maybe they’re hesitant, or insecure, or
shy — people often ask a different question than the one they really
want answered.
many questions is an unasked question. Pay attention so you can answer
that question; that is the answer the other person doesn’t just want to
hear… but needs to hear.
3. Don’t wait for anything:
don’t have to wait to be discovered. You don’t have to wait for an
okay. You don’t have to wait for someone else to help you. You can just
do whatever you want to do. You may not succeed. But you don’t have to
4. Appreciate whatever you have:
have big plans. You have big goals. You’re never satisfied, because
satisfaction breeds complacency. So most of the time you’re unhappy
because you think more about what you have not achieved, have not done,
and do not have.
Take a moment and think about what you do have, professionally and personally. At this moment you have more than at one time you ever thought possible. Sure,
always strive for more… but always take a moment to realize that all
the things you have, especially your relationships, are more important
than anything you want to have.
Appreciate whatever you have, because it’s real, and it’s awesome and it’s YOURS.
5. Love your work:
your work, when you’re working, that feeling shows in everything you
say and do. Love is a feeling, and feelings are often selfish. Turn your
feelings into an action. Actively love the people you love. Show them
you love them by words and deeds.
6. Be Yourself:
worry about what other people think. Yet no matter how hard you try,
you can’t be all things to all people. But you can be as many things as
possible to the people you love. And you can become the best version of
Be yourself, that’s the one thing you can always do better than anyone else.
7.Set Goals:
goals for yourself, where you want to see yourself after 6months, one
year, or 2years. Don’t get upset if you can’t do this right away. Start
small and just begin to visualize.
8. Accept Failure
you are going to fail. You are going to fail many times in life.
Failing is Okay. In fact, you should embrace failure. When you stretch
beyond your comfort zone, you are growing as a person. It is only
natural that you will fail. Don’t fall for the lie that failing is bad.
9. Learn a New Skill
a new skill breeds confidence in us. When we learn something new, we
get excited and are eager to learn more. This increases our self
confidence and we grow and want to learn more. It’s a cycle that fuels
what is it that you have always wanted to learn but always put off?
Write a short list of things and then start working on learning those
new skills
10. Don’t waste Time:
some time to understand how you waste time and become more productive
with your time. Read more. Learn about something new. Spend more time
with loved ones. These are self growth activities that will lead to
happiness and success.
11.Deal with Negative Thoughts and Emotions:
You will always have critics, including yourself. You need to learn to deal with any negative thoughts and emotions you have.
At first, you may find this difficult to do. But over time, controlling your thoughts will become easier.
Understand that negative thoughts will always be with us.
12.Surround yourself with Positive People:
you are always hanging around with unmotivated people, you too will be
unmotivated to succeed in life. On the other hand, if you hang around
with successful people, you too will find success.
the end of the day, reflect on what happened. Was it a good day? Even
if bad things happened, find ways to spin them into something positive.
In other words, don’t let the negative thoughts take root in your mind.
Be thankful for all that happened to you today and vow to be an even
better person tomorrow.
14.Overcome your Fears:
of us have fears. Fear of uncertainty, fear of public speaking, fear of
risk… All our fears keep us in the same position and prevent us from
growing. Recognize that your fears reflect areas where you can grow. I
always think of fears as the compass for growth. If I have a fear about
something, it represents something I’ve yet to address, and addressing
it helps me to grow.
15.Ask for feedback:
much as we try to improve, we will always have blind spots. Asking for
feedback gives us an additional perspective. Some people to approach
will be friends, family, colleagues, boss, or even acquaintances, since
they will have no preset bias and can give their feedback objectively.
If what you are doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow?
How much effort you put in today to guarantee the future? To guarantee the empire that you dreamed of as a kid?
Most of us claim that we have been working hard because we got tired.
worked until you got tired. Tired is not equal to hard work. It’s how
hard you work after you get tired. When you get tired, that is when the
real work starts.
you want better than average, you have to work harder than the average
to get the desired result in the future. If you want greatness, your
effort must be greater than great. Your level of effort equals your
level of results.
Give your all every day, every minute of every day. Your best effort in each present moment, will lead to your best future moments.
the past behind, so you can focus on your future. We must let go of our
past pain, our struggle, our story, not because it wasn’t important but
because your future is more important.
Leave the darkness of your past behind so you can focus on letting the light of your future.
to love yourself, because if you appreciate the person you are, you
will be able to ooze love and appreciation to everyone else around you.
You won’t have moments of insecurities or uncertainty.
Get rid of the things you don’t need in your life and replace them with things that bring you happiness and success.
Put your best foot forward and never let yourself turn up under dressed and without the enthusiasm your life deserves.
Be happy for yourself and for others.
Create opportunities for yourself and others
Never sacrifice your integrity.
Change the behaviors you have that you don’t like, don’t just accept them.
Challenge yourself and push yourself to do better, to be better and to make a difference to the world you live in.
Love unconditionally in a way that people will remember you for long after you have left this world.
Michael Phelps
is considered the greatest Olympian swimmer of all time. Everyone
thought that no swimmer would be able to win 8 gold medals in just one
Olympic Games. Michael
did just that and he has 19 Olympic medals, 15 of which are gold! The
remarkable thing about him is that as a child he suffered from ADHD and was on medication for some of that time. Most people assume that people with ADHD
suffer from restlessness, impulsiveness and a very short attention
span. But they also have an incredible capacity to remain hyper focused
on an activity they are passionate about. Michael has been able to use
this with enormous success. By channeling his energy and focus, he has
been able to exploit the positive side of ADHD.
has shown that he can beat the most disciplined and strongest swimmers
in the world and is an inspiring example to anyone who suffers from a
mental disorder or other disability. He has another secret in that he uses the power of visualizing success before he starts any swim. He started this process when he was only 7 years old. He realized there were no limits to success and once you are passionate about your objective, nothing can stop you.
· The pain that you feel today will be the strength that you will feel tomorrow.
· The future depends on what you do today.
· Do something today that your future self will thank you for.
· You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.
· Start everyday with a new hope, leave bad memories behind, and have faith for a better tomorrow.
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