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path of honesty is the most honorable. Honesty is the foundation of all
that is high in character among mankind. Those who rest upon an
internal principle of virtue and honor will act with a dignity and
boldness of which they are incapable who are wholly guided by interest.
That firmness which the consciousness of rectitude inspires gives vigor
and force to their exertions on every great occasion. It adds double
weight to all the abilities they possess. Such people are trusted.
Relied. Esteemed.
Honesty is strength. Hypocrisy is weakness.
be right is to be strong. All the various faculties given to us attain
their most perfect development, activity, and strength only when they
are nurtured and trained, and are exercised in accordance with the laws
of right. This is true of body, mind, and heart. This is a source of
strength which can be found nowhere else. It brings the whole being into
harmony with reason, conscience and will. Strength in being right is the real strength.
Honesty is strong in its own strength. It has a root. It lives by its own natural force and growth.
Honesty will extricate from difficulties. The honest may get into
trouble, but by upright principles, they shall come out of them. Honesty
is the best policy. The maxim may be applied to everything which we
have to do, and should constantly regulate us.
be honest is to be a person of no pretense. Not speaking one thing, and
meaning another. The honest profess nothing but what they feel and
intend. With them, there are no hollow friendships. Vain compliments.
Nor empty professions of esteem, love, regard, or friendship. Their
mouth speaks nothing but what their heart dictates. Their heart, tongue,
and their hand are all in unison. Hypocrisy, guile, and deceit, have no
place in their soul.
Honor lies in the honest toil. — Grover cleveland.
honest walk steadily. Integrity is an excellent ballast, holding them
tight and well poised in their deportment. Honesty is the surest for
dispatch, and the shortest cut toward the execution or attainment of any
good purpose. A straight line is the shortest in morals as well as in
geometry. The honest always have the greatest credit. The most
unembarrassed affairs. The disadvantages under which they labor are
counterbalanced by many great advantages. Though their gains may be
small, they are always sweet.
Happiness is honesty.
is the favorite wish and the alluring object which every living
creature pursues. In pursuing the end all are agreed, but in the ways of
securing the end, they differ widely. Humans, besides their innate
appetite for happiness, have a superior principle in them, which is
reason. Reason will inform them that happiness, all joy, and no sorrow,
is unattainable and impossible under present conditions. The only way to obtain true happiness is to be honest. Steady perseverance in integrity, if it does not bring riches, will certainly bring peace and joy
Honesty is a warrant of far more safety than fame.- Owen Feltham
doing what is right we are like one walking upon a rock, for we have
confidence that every step we take is upon solid and safe ground.
Consider the safety they enjoy with respect to the happiness of the
present life. Think of the troubles that people bring on themselves by
deviating from integrity. The path of uprightness is straight and broad.
Those who walk in honesty go on with resolution and confidence,
inviting rather than avoiding the inspection of their fellow-creatures.
On the other hand, the utmost success through questionable transactions
must always be hollow and treacherous, and those who have gained are
always afraid of being caught.
Those who are honest are relieved
from all fear. They are inspired by the very spirit of courage. They
know that they mean to be right, to do right, and therefore they can
challenge the world to find fault with them. They glory in an honest
purpose. Those who go through life by crooked paths, sinuously
endeavoring to avoid royal thoroughfares, will be discovered, and
because they have a consciousness of this ultimate detection they live a
life of perpetual unrest.
Honesty will never break you.
originating in the honest feelings of nature, exalted by piety, and
cherished by serious reflections upon the ends of a probationary state,
is our purest guide amidst all the difficulties, through all the
vicissitudes and perplexities, both in thought and in action, which are
continually occurring in the journey of life. By integrity, we mean
steady determination to abide by the profession of important truth,
however unfashionable, and to be upright in all transactions at whatever
expense of temporary ease and interest. The plan of conduct on which
the honest proceed is the most comfortable, attended with the greatest
satisfaction to their own mind.
motions are determined by our motives. Our motives are our motors. Our
motives must be strong and upright. There must be nothing limp and
compromising about them. The great virtue of honesty is necessary at
all times, and binding under all the relations of life. It is
absolutely necessary to all virtue. It is the broad basis on which they
all rest. There is nothing which is a greater recommendation of
character. It at all times inspires confidence and ensures respect. It
is a proof of innocence and fortitude combined.
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