ten years ago I took some supplements that changed my life. I was in
optimum health and peak performance during this phase; happy and
centered with an ability to handle any kind of stress that came my way
with grace and ease. My meditations were off the charts — I was able to
traverse the universe in the most elegant, exciting way possible. With
full access to all of my gifts and abilities, I was unstoppable.
light of the recent challenges in my life, I had to think back to when I
was doing my best and remembered this phase. I decided to do something
about it and came full circle reintroducing these missing elements for
my brain and body.
It’s such a relief to feel amazing again — these are extraordinary “cultural essences” that most people don’t have access to.
here’s another listicle for you. I know, you’ve read a lot of them. But
there is some new information here, in fact, some of it is so
revolutionary it will blow your mind.
about what I’ve said before regarding certain fats and foods. I was
caught up in the popular diet and now with a little more enlightened
education, I stand corrected. It takes experimentation in diet and ways
of living and after years of trying everything that doesn’t work, I came
up with this.
Microbiotic Vitamins are a whole new class of vitamins. There are the
common vitamins we all know about that you can get in conventional foods
or dietary supplements at the store. And then there are these special vitamins that can only be produced within the body.
thirty years ago, a brilliant scientist discovered this concept of a
new type of vitamin that is made by the action of the healthy bacteria
of the microbiome within the body. (The kingdom of God is within in more
ways than one).
Without these essential vitamins, humans are prone to chronic illnesses both physical and mental.
microbiotic vitamins are necessary to prevent the diseases of modern
civilization, including anxiety, depression, obesity, cardiovascular
disease, and cancer, amongst others.
scientist noticed these “cultural essences” quickly and miraculously
reversing modern day diseases and in the process, the people taking the
supplements, were happier, had improvements in their personality and
experienced a deep spiritual connection that was not possible before. This was an unexpected bonus.
subjects were in glowing spiritual health, faster, better, stronger in
every facet of their lives. This supplement goes beyond health, it
enhances all aspects of human performance.
2. Diet — Research and experience has shown that the diet human genetics is best suited for is a high-quality whole-plant based diet. Fruits, vegetable, whole grains, and legumes. Non-fat fermented milk products can also be beneficial.
been a lot of discussion and hype lately about fats and their
beneficial properties and the current fad is to consume large amounts of
coconut oil and butter to attain ketosis.
are a refined food analogous to sugar. You wouldn’t want to eat only
the sugar from the fruit, you would want to eat the whole fruit. The
same thing applies to oils, eat the entire high-fat food such as the
avocado, olive, nut or coconut. This is what we mean by whole foods.
healthiest way to go into ketosis is to do intermittent fasting,
without the saturated fats. That’s right, just fast until dinner, or as
long as you can.
3. Exercise — The best exercise is aerobic running, cycling, swimming, ya know, the kind that makes you lose your breath.
is a time-proven method of stretching that greatly benefits the body,
mind, and spirit. You guys are good at this part, I don’t have to say
too much. Do whatever you love to do! An hour a day is best in the
morning. Just take it from someone who sat on her ass for at least a
year that inertia will kill you.
Sex — We are talking about healthy relationships here. There are three
categories as I see them, marriage, partnership or friendship. The most
important thing is that its loving. Having someone who cares about
you — who you can discuss anything with without feeling judged, is
you can learn from and evolve with. Someone you talk to about how your
day went, your dreams and aspirations, whatever — you just want to have a
mutually supportive relationship. Not a codependent one. Codependent ones usually have a toxic, addictive quality about them.
in a relationship with someone who you truly like and who you feel safe
with. Your safe refuge in a storm. Having sex with healthy people makes
you healthier — since you are pretty much swapping juices and taking on their energy — it’s kinda a big deal. It actually affects your gut biome. Choose wisely.
majority of the global population are addicted to caffeine, sugar,
alcohol and other drugs. Most people, no matter how hard they try cannot
attain a spiritual connection, due to resistance in their brain
chemistry. It’s like a barrier in the brain.
this spiritual knowledge, we have no true meaning or direction or
purpose in life. We can only live a life of self-indulgence and if we
are not working for a higher purpose, it is self-purpose. If you’re not
listening to your creator, you’re simply not listening to the greater
plan or heeding your life’s evolutionary destiny.
light of creation within all of us determines who we are, how we do
things, and what our mission in life is and without this, we can get
lost easily.
what you can to cultivate that light within for when you are in
alignment spiritually all the other things —in the realm of the physical
and mental — flow forth from there. And by this, I mean your body, your
relationships, your work, your mental well-being, everything.
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