Recognize you have control of this, if nothing else — Michael Marcus Jan 10 By JESHOOTScom on Pixabay I rem...
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Last week there was some real lows. This week there have been some major highs.At one point, it looked like my career was down the toilet. Everything I worked for looked like it was done.The reality is that when you hit a low point, there’s always an upside.
The point where you want to give up is just the beginning of something
new and amazing. When you hit that low, it’s so easy to want to give up.You feel like you can’t go on and the odds are stacked against you.Everything
and everyone feel like they are working against your vision for your
life. Most of all, you don’t know why you’ve suddenly hit this giant low
point that feels like it’s going to last forever.Your
motivation is non-existent; you get out of bed and feel like crap;
you’re not sure what today will mean — or the next for that matter.All
of this is fine. No, I’m not giving you some empty promise or
meaningless reason to go on. What I’m telling you is that you must keep
going. Even though you feel like you can’t, you must!
of these low points mean something. All of these low points turn into
one giant moment of triumph i you keep stacking them up like shot
glasses after a big night”
Good people are rewarded.
As long as you do your absolute best to be a good person, eventually your life will change.
All those small things you did for people will be remembered. Someone will give you a chance and believe in you. An opportunity will come from nowhere that you never expected.
Rewards always come for those who have earned it.
How do you earn those rewards? By being a kind, humble and good person
that serves the greater good. Let’s dumb it down further. You get the
rewards by:
1. Helping people who have nothing 2. Smiling at as many people as you can 3. Answering messages on social media and helping people without getting anything in return 4. Staying positive through books and blogs like this 5. Waiting out the winter cold for summer to come into your life again
list of five things is how you remain a good person through the chaos
that we all experience. Many people say “That sounds easy Tim, but it’s
harder than you think.”
That’s why I’ve made it practical with these five points.
How my luck changed this week.
followed this formula I’ve laid out, and this week my luck changed. All
of a sudden, I got multiple opportunities to do work that I love and
get paid well for it so that I can focus on my blogging.
The messages I got with these opportunities all started with something like this:
you for sharing your story and having the guts to do so. You’ve
inspired me and I appreciate it. I’d love to chat to you about
opportunity X. Are you free for a few minutes?”
Then I got two more emails from television networks wanting me to spread some inspiration on their respective shows.
luck will change and opportunities will be presented to you if you keep
going, never give up and continue being a good person.
a long road towards getting up close and personal with your most
important goal but if you stay the path, stay focused and be the person
that makes you proud, it will happen.
Keep going.
if you’ve ever felt like I felt when my career went down the toilet
last week, or you’re feeling that way right now, you must keep going.
I believe you can get what you seek if you remain focused and don’t let the negative emotions in your head take over.
know it’s tough but that’s no excuse. If you want your goals bad
enough, then you’ll keep motivated to push through the rejection and
selflessness to change your perspective. Look at yourself in the third
person. See who you are now and who you can be. All of us can be leaders
and when we look at ourselves without our self-talk and ego’s in the
way, we can see who we really are.
Dare to dream a little. Don’t be afraid to think big. If you have crazy, audacious goals, then that’s even better.
Don’t be talked out of your mission. Let your passion rip through the barriers that stand in your way.
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